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The difference between Micro blading and Permanent make-up

Honestly we get this question daily which is why we have decided to do a write up on the differences and to introduce each reader to the pros and cons of these procedures. Normally clients are scared of the word permanent and then they opt for the micro blading option because it is said to be a more natural looking brow but the down side though is the term fade. The problem we have with the word fade is that your procedure will not last as long as the permanent procedure, which will have a massive implication on your budget as well. The second term that normally confuses everyone is the term “natural” because with permanent hair strokes you can also achieve natural looking eyebrows just as with micro blading. Below you can see the comparisons between permanent make-up eyebrows and micro bladed brows.

Micro blading brows

Hand tool

Manual Shading (hand tool)

Permanent make-up brows



Micro bladed eyebrows will last between 11 to 18 months but a touch-up each year is highly recommended, which may affect your beauty budget.

Permanent make-up eyebrows could last between 2-5 years depending on the technique used as well as wear and tear, in many cases some procedures has lasted between 5-10 years, clients can do a touch-up after these years have passed to just enhance the colour, which will not break the bank and will not have such a massive implication money wise.

Very important to notice when you do choose your procedure is that your therapist supplies you with the following info:

  • Before and after photos of previous work

  • Certificate of qualification

  • Pre care (before you enter for your procedure)

  • Different techniques done with different needles (powder brows, hair strokes, full block brows, ombré etc.)

  • That all pigments used are organic and that no pigments with iron oxide are used

  • Sign an indemnity form to protect yourself and the therapist

  • After care (after the procedure know exactly what you as the client should do to ensure complete and correct healing)

If your therapist can not supply any one of the above mentioned you have the right as a client to say no to the procedure and make your way to a qualified therapist.

For more information regarding these procedures do not hesitate to contact and follow us on facebook Adre Muller Browtique Permanent Make-up and Paramedical Aesthetics.

Look out for our next post on the importance of pre and after care.


The A team

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